A questionnaire is an important part of assessment of
the indoor environment of existing buildings.
The questionnaires has been developed form the so
The EcoEffect questionnaire is one of the
questionnaires used for MIBB in
If you are interested in using the EcoEffect questionnaire we want you
to contact us for two reasons. It is important to be acquainted with the use of
questionnaire surveys in order to get the needed response and accuracy of the
result. Further we want feed back on application and try to gather as many
results as possible in order to improve our reference values. You are welcome
to load down the questionnaire but ask you to contact us if you have questions
or want to use any of them practically.
Contact persons are:
Marie Hult, White architects, e-post:
Mauritz Glaumann,
University of Gävle, e-post: mauritz.glaumann@hig.se
(Housing questionnaire)
(Office questionnaire)
Skolenkät--Personal (School questionnaire – staff)
Skolenkät--Elever 13
år och äldre (School questionnaire – pupils)